Month: June 2016

One Small Voice

Ever feel like you are “too small” to make a difference in the world?
 The song “One small voice” is something I sing to myself when those doubting voices start up in my head.
(You know those very serious sounding warning voices that say “Why even try” or “Your not good enough yet?”)
 The song is from Sesame Street and it’s a very simple message.
But after all, didn’t we learn everything we need to know in Kindergarten?
 Those voices were going in full force when I sat down to record this. Super early morning, no makeup, with a dog on my lap and coffee in my hand.
 I powered through and this is the result, because
 One small voice CAN teach the world a song…

And if you would like to learn how to use YOUR voice in a powerful way, sign up for emails below and get immediate access to an awesome video that will teach you how!

There are no Orphans

Holidays can trigger (sometimes negative) emotions and Father’s Day is no exception. Instead of dwelling on what’s wrong or imperfect I hope you’ll join me in brainstorming some great father figures in our lives we can celebrate.

 Because there are no Orphans of God.

 I am living proof….and so are you.

Hopefully= Hoping + Fully

There’s a pattern in my life, maybe yours too?

1. Start something new.

2. Have fun with it.

3. Obsess over doing it “perfectly” until it isn’t fun anymore.

4. Abandon it and start something else.

Ugh….it’s exhausting. 

So I started meditating. Can you tell where this is going?

I started to worry I wasn’t “doing it right” or that maybe there was a “better” meditation out there with more benefits.

I was getting stressed about meditating. 

Ironic? Yes.

True? Unfortunately, also Yes.

So I’ve started something called “Singalong Switch” that helps me move from chaos to calm through the power of song.

It’s something EVERYONE can do, and I’d love to show you how! Sign up below and you’ll get immediate access!

I’m so thankful I didn’t listen…

The song “Reflection” from the movie Mulan is one that really resonates with me.

Especially the lyric, “if I were truly to be myself I would break my family’s heart.”

It hits very close to home because when I was heading off to college my dad said,

“Don’t major in voice, you’ll never be able to support yourself as a singer.”

Spoiler alert: I majored in voice.

And when I graduated college, I joined the Navy….as a singer. ⚓️

The people closest to us don’t want to see us fail.

So they encourage us to play it safe. Get a “real” job.

I’m so thankful that I didn’t listen.

And when I was stationed in New Orleans I took my dad out for dinner….My treat. ☺️