Is this a test or a quiz?

I was on my way to an appointment this morning and got stuck in traffic.

Immediately I started wondering…

“How long is this gonna last?” 

It got me thinking about the times in life that feel stuck and we wonder the same thing…

Sometimes it’s a short period of time and then you’re off on your merry way again.

Sometimes it feels like forever and your still in the same spot.

And then there are the absolute worst situations…when the lane you’re in is stationary but the people next to you are sailing by without a care in the world.

Ugh…I get mad just thinking about it! 

And so it is with life, right?

Sometimes you hit a snag, sometimes an all out stop,

and sometimes you’re in limbo while the rest of the world keeps going.

It can be so frustrating.

When I feel stuck and all alone this song helps me.

It’s one that I’ve even sung to myself at night as a prayer.

I hope it brings peace to you today as well.