I have a confession to make…

There is a bag under my desk of song ideas.

Entire journals of notes. Scraps of paper with lyrics.

Even some with chord charts and sample recordings.

And exactly none of them have seen the light of day.

Why? I could give you a lot of great excuses but they all boil down to


Recently I crossed a big milestone by offering my first music album for download.

Selling that first album was an emotional moment I hope I never forget.

And guess what happened after that celebratory moment?

I wanted to quit. Give up.

I had faced my fear, accomplished a life long goal, so time to pack up and move on to something else.

Because putting that out into the world was super scary and I never wanted to do it again.

And then I saw the bag of songs.

It isn’t helping anybody sitting under my desk.

Maybe it won’t help anybody when I put it out into the world.

But I’ll never know if I never try. And that led me to this realization:

The size of your impact in the world is in direct proportion to the size of the fear you push through while you’re here.

With that being said, are you ready for some original music? This is one of my favorites…and a great reminder that every day brings the opportunity for impact greater than we realize.